來源:http://0473114.cn/ 日期:2021-12-16 發(fā)布人:admin
Cause analysis
① 施工時膠膜未干就把面板、底板進行貼合,致使膠膜粘接力低,板中間的溶劑無法揮發(fā)造成面板起泡;
① During construction, the panel and bottom plate are bonded before the adhesive film is dry, resulting in low adhesive force of the adhesive film, and the solvent in the middle of the plate cannot volatilize, resulting in blistering of the panel;
② 粘貼過程中板材間空氣沒有排除干凈;
② The air between the plates was not removed completely during the pasting process;
③ 涂膠時厚薄不均或缺膠,導(dǎo)致粘合面無膠或少膠,影響粘力。而少量未揮發(fā)盡的溶劑在揮發(fā)過程中聚集造成局部張力大于粘接力;行程小溶劑揮發(fā)速度不一致,造成厚的地方溶劑揮發(fā)不完全;
③ Uneven thickness or lack of glue during gluing, resulting in no glue or less glue on the bonding surface, affecting the adhesion. However, a small amount of non volatilized solvents gather in the volatilization process, resulting in local tension greater than adhesive force; Small stroke, inconsistent solvent volatilization speed, resulting in incomplete solvent volatilization in thick places;
④ 潮濕天氣施工晾膠時間不夠也容易出現(xiàn)起泡現(xiàn)象。
④ Foaming is also easy to occur due to insufficient glue drying time in wet weather construction.

Prevention, solution
① 延長晾膠時間,使膠膜中溶劑揮發(fā)完全;
① Extend the glue drying time to make the solvent in the glue film volatilize completely;
② 粘貼時盡量往一邊或從中間往四周滾壓排出空氣;
② When pasting, try to roll to one side or from the middle to all sides to exhaust air;
③ 刮膠時盡量厚薄均勻,不出現(xiàn)缺膠;
③ When scraping, the thickness shall be as uniform as possible without glue shortage;
④ 可在底板上鉆出若干氣孔,增加透氣性;
④ Several air holes can be drilled on the bottom plate to increase air permeability;
⑤ 采用加熱的方式對膠膜加熱,提高活化溫度。
⑤ The adhesive film is heated by heating to increase the activation temperature.
⑥ 發(fā)現(xiàn)起泡現(xiàn)象后用電熨斗加熱外包濕毛巾加壓燙平(溫度:50-60℃),即可解決問題。
⑥ After bubbles are found, the problem can be solved by heating with an electric iron and pressing with a wet towel (temperature: 50-60 ℃).
The fireproof board is relatively thin and has good compactness. Fumeijia quickly installs the board. After pasting, the glue continues to volatilize and accumulate locally in the bonding layer area. When the accumulated pressure reaches a certain degree, the fireproof board will be jacked up, resulting in local foaming (also known as bubbling).
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